Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Deal? or no Deal?

A few nights ago I found myself watching "Deal or No Deal", the hit game show hosted by that wacky germaphobe, Howie Mandel.

As I got more and more frustrated with the bimbo on stage (who ended up "winning" $247,000 for having absolutely no skill at ALL), yelling, kicking, and getting generally steamed, I got to thinking about what I would do if I was on "Deal or no Deal".

But then I realized: "Deal or no Deal" is a game that requires no thought or skill. It's just a matter of making the decision to stay put, or to keep going. Hmm, there's an original concept...I'm pretty sure we play that game several times a day. It's called the game of life, and I'm here to explain it to you.

Friday night I went to The Avenue to meet some friends from Freshman year for a few drinks. Turns out that this bar features $1 Bud drafts all night. "You want me to get the next round?" Hmmm....DEAL! That one was easy. Cheap beer = Deal. That's a no brainer.

After The Avenue, I went down to the Northeastern area to meet up with some friends from Dublin. I hadn't seen Pete or Mo in a while, so when I got the invite, I was there in a second. Here comes pointer # 2: Reminiscing with friends you don't see often = Deal! Sometimes, you need to bust out of your comfort shell. For me, it's BU. Occasionally, we all need a change of city-scape (even if it's within the same city).

At a different club later that night, a 30-ish year old guy was being a creeper and tried to hit on me with the line, "How come I've never seen you here before?" That's a NO DEAL. That line means the person is probably there upwards of 3 times a week. Lame. No thanks.

Saturday, I met up with Maura to go to the annual Fusion show, the hip-hop show that Tim and Kris are all in. It was amazing, and the whole audience got guest-listed at this club for the after party. DEAL! Are you starting to get the hang of it? It's not difficult.

And just a few days ago, my internship from the summer offered me an opportunity to write a weekly blog for a new music website, "Cake or Death?......mmmmm cake please." Of course, I made the deal. And now I get to pretend to sound like an idiot for a lot more people than the 6 of you who are reading this. You can check it out here: deal....what's the point? Have a good time, but don't go home with creepers. Follow that rule, and you should be SET! As for Howie and the girls with the briefcases? Well, I'll let them keep playing with the minds of confused mid-westerners.

It's been a good week. Parents are coming to visit this weekend. Insanity to follow.

Peace out!


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