Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Is There Cause for a Cause?

I awoke this morning to a beautiful sight. It was the sky. Something was in the air. I'm pretty sure it was the sun.

As I walked to class, I was stopped by a man in a yellow wind-breaker with a clipboard. "Oh what is it today," I thought. Animal rights? Anti-war? Kill the whales? Feed the obese? Starve the kids? Re-elect Bush? Jews for Mel Gibson? Christians for Lutherans? Every day, it's something new. You can't walk a day down Com Ave without being hounded by some kind of activist.

"Do you have a minute for gay rights?"

I was then informed that today was National Coming Out day. I found that incredibly fitting, considering yesterday was National Stay In the Closet Day, and tomorrow is National Reorganize Your Closet Day. These last 2 didn't seem to make any sense until I found out about today's holiday. A natural progression, it only made sense.

Anyway, I decided to celebrate and show my support NOT by donating money like they wanted (greedy gays), but by blogging. I know...just as good.

First off, I wanted to invite some people to share this day with me, and to use this day as a platform for themselves. It's Coming Out Day, so come on out everyone! I know it's tough. But I think you can handle it.

Come on you guys, you're not fooling Anyone!

Next, I'd like to congratulate the long list of people who have recently come out of the closet, and shown their true colors to the perfectly gay-friendly world we live in. So to the following people, I say, congrats on being such amazing role models for the universally accepted gay community.

It's hard to decide sometimes where our passions and loyalties lie. There are so many issues to take issue with in the world, how can we keep track of the one's we support? People stop me every day to ask if I have a minute for their issue. Don't they know that college students don't have a minute for anyone but themselves? If I care about animals, do I have to be a vegetarian? If I am against the war, do I need to attend a rally? If I am gay, do I have to support gay marriage?

God I hope not. Sure I love cows. They're great. But I also love a good piece of meat.

So is there really cause for so many new causes? We've spent the majority of our lives having opinions and not changing them no matter what people sell or tell us. It's our nature. We are a stubborn generation. I think it's useless to recruit believers on a college campus. So GO AWAY wind-breaker wearing, clipboard-holding loonies. Prey on someone your own level of crazy.

In other news, I have finally started to treat this year like a senior year. I'm a dirty stay-out.

And I dance in my seat.

And I cheat on BU with BC.

I'm extremely pleased with how this year has begun, and how my stay at BU is taking shape as a whole.

As for National Coming Out day....well....I guess it's time to tell you.....

I'm a fiscal republican.

Finally, I'd like to congratulate the staff at BU's daily newspaper for making today's SUDOKU especially challenging.

Answers on page 2, but also pictured directly above. Way to go!

Peace out dirty activists!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!! I ALWAYS KNEW BURT AND ERNIE WERE GAY - NOW YOU HAVE CONFIRMED IT! Do you have their address so I can send them their toaster?